Zwei karolingische Fragmente von nicht identifizierten Predigtsammlungen
(München, BSB, clm 29319/3 und 29319/40)
Carolingian fragments of sermon collections, early medieval sermons, Eligius of Noyon, Benedictionale Frisingense, Caesarius of Arles, Doctrina populorum, Hrabanus MaurusAbstract
The present paper offers discussions of two Carolingian fragments of sermon collections now at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich (clm 29319/3 and 29319/40), based on the first identification of their contents. It is demonstrated that clm 29319/3 originally belonged to the same book as the liturgical fragment clm 29304/1; this lost book, which served as exemplar for the famous Benedictionale Frisingense (clm 6430), may turn out to be of major importance for the study of a sermon formerly attributed to Eligius of Noyon (CPL 2096). It is also demonstrated that clm 29319/40, directly or indirectly, served as the exemplar for the hitherto only known copy of an early medieval sermon (Doctrina populorum; CPPM 1A, 2360) in clm 14380. The text of this sermon is printed here for the first time; its sources and also its use in Carolingian sermons (e.g. in a sermonary by Hrabanus Maurus) are discussed.
Copyright (c) 2019 Lukas J. Dorfbauer

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